Dr. Mónika Bachofner
Executive and Scientific Manager of CARNET Future Mobility Research Hub
Dr. Mónika Bachofner is Executive and Scientific Manager in CARNET, a knowledge hub for automotive science and technology focused on urban mobility, within the UPC Technology Center. She holds a PhD in Political Sciences and Economy from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and she is industrial engineer and economist who graduated and obtained a Master degree from the same Institute.
In her career, she has initiated the development of various research and transfer centers and innovation hubs, which act as catalysts between industry and science to promote the integration of the Knowledge Triangle. In recent years, she worked in the areas of logistics and mobility and she has successfully implemented a consortium for the European Call for EIT Urban Mobility.
Her professional experience covers more than 20 years as a scientist as well as a scientific manager at different German and Spanish Technical Universities (KIT, TU Dresden, TU Braunschweig, BarcelonaTech), as a higher manager for production, logistics and components at the AutoUni (Volkswagen Group Corporation) and as a director for production and logistics in the Steinbeis Institute. Recently, she has been the operations director at EIT Urban Mobility (2018 – 2019).

Dr. Daria de Seta
Spatial Design Area Coordinator of the Undergraduate Degree in Design at the Elisava: Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Garcés·de Seta·Bonet, Arquitectes Co-Founder
Daria de Seta is a practising architect, co-founder and co-director of the “Garcés·de Seta·Bonet Arquitectes” office, a firm mostly invested in the renovation of architectural heritage as a sustainable approach to a more integrated way of life within the context. In recent years she directed various projects, such as Three Metro Stations (FAD award 2016), the extension of the Picasso Museum and the Atelier Arranz Bravo in Barcelona (Opinion FAD Award 2014), the Palais de Justice in Strasbourg (Geste d’Or Award 2017) and Le Site du Prieuré in Pully-Lausanne.
Currently she is coordinator of the Spatial Design Area at Elisava – Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, and Architectural Design Professor at Hepia and HEAD Genève. She is also a visiting professor for courses, conferences and seminars in many Italian, French, Swiss, and Spanish universities. Her teaching activity is nourished by both professional practice and theoretical activity, such as architecture and photography exhibition curation and authorship of essays and articles for scientific magazines. In the coordination of the Elisava’s Spatial Design Area, she is committed to social innovation and programmes that require a cross-sectional vision, making the Spatial Design Area a field of research and experimentation open to the incursions of other disciplines and professional knowledge communities (interaction, graphics, engineering, product, sociology, politics, aesthetics, etc.).

Dr. Estanislau Roca
Dr. Estanislau Roca, Emeritus Chair Professor of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the UPC, is PhD in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (1993). He has been teaching at the Barcelona School of Architecture, ??as a professor in charge of undergraduate and postgraduate courses and has been invited researcher and professor in prestigious international universities. He obtained the Quality Award in University Teaching at the UPC (2011) and the Jaume Vicens Vives Distinction of the Generalitat de Catalunya. He has been an international teaching evaluator since 2015 and member of the Advisory Committee for Architecture, Civil Engineering, Construction and Urbanism of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) of the Ministry of Universities.
He has supervised seven cum laude doctoral theses, which have deserved outstanding awards. In 1996, received the Lluís Domènech i Muntaner Triennial Research Award and in 1995, the Europa Nostra Medal of Honour. He is the author of around twenty research books and more than a hundred scientific articles, book chapters and papers presented at international conferences, and is a reviewer for several journals of great scientific value. As a professional in urban planning and architecture, he has intervened in projects such as the Plan of the Seaside of Barcelona and the Mountain of Montjuïc, the University Campus of Diagonal in Barcelona and the intervention in the Historical Heritage of Tarragona. He is a member of the Catalan Territorial Commission, patron of the ITEC and associate academic director of CARNET.
He has been director of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and he has been Vice-Rector for Infrastructure and Architecture at the same university.

Daniel Ibañez
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities Co-Director at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Doctor of Design Candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) and research fellow at the Harvard Office for Urbanization and the Urban Theory Lab
Daniel Ibañez is a practising architect and urbanist, and founder and co-director of the design firm Margen-Lab: a transcalar targeted office invested in the developing more ecologically powerful and materially exuberant design.
He holds a MArch from ETSAM in Madrid, a Master in Advanced Architecture from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, and an MDes in Urbanism, Landscape and Ecology with honours from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design where he was awarded the Dimitris Pikionis award for best academic performance.
He is currently an instructor and Doctor of Design candidate at the Harvard GSD, editor of New Geographies, and researcher at the Harvard Office for Urbanization.
Additionally, Daniel has been teaching at Rhode Island School of Design, and Northeastern University School of Architect. Daniel is editor of several book publications, including New Geographies 6: Grounding Metabolism (HUP, 2014), editor of Third Coast Atlas (Actar, 2017) and the Wood Urbanism: From Molecular to Territorial (forthcoming, Actar, 2018). Also, since 2015, Daniel is an editor at urbanNext (urbanNext.net).
His work as a scholar and practising architect has been recognised by the La Caixa Foundation, the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard, the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2012, Oslo Triennale 2013 or the Boston Design Biennial 2017, among others.

Valentino Sevino
Valentino Sevino is the Mobility Planning Area Director at AMAT – Mobility Environment, and Territory Agency. He has a Degree in Architecture from the Politecnico di Milano and he has a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering (Politecnico di Torino, Ecole Polytecnique Federale de Lausanne and Université Savoie Mont Blanc – Chambéry).
After ten years of experience in the field of mobility and environment at the European Commission, Metropolitana Milanese and AMAT too, he has been Head of Mobility Planning Area at AMAT (Environmental Mobility and Territory Agency, City of Milan) since 2008. Expert in Sustainable Mobility (Electric Mobility, Car Sharing), Public Transport Planning and Public Transport Regulation, Pedestrian Areas, bicycle mobility and parking regulations, he has participated in several European project related to Smart City, Smart Mobility, Smart Parking, Urban Mobility and City Logistics (TIDE, City Mobil 2, FR-EVUE, Sharing Cities).

UPC Technology Center
CARNET, The Future Mobility Research Hub, initiated by SEAT, Volkswagen Group Research and UPC, is an open hub for industrial and academic partners from the areas of automotive and mobility research & innovation. CARNET is located in Barcelona, and works through project-based collaboration. Within the project, Carnet’s role is managing the overall project.

Technical University of Catalonia (UPC-BarcelonaTech)
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech)is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology. The Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning (DUOT), based in the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), specializes in spatial planning at regional and urban level, public space design and architectural design of inter-modal transport buildings. The DUOT is the UPC Department that teaches bachelor degree, master’s degree and doctoral studies in Urbanism at Schools of Architecture of Barcelona and Vallès (ETSAB-ETSAV). Learning spatial planning has a long tradition and is a hallmark in UPC-BarcelonaTech internationally recognized. Urbanism Studies taught at UPC become a strength for urban planners who studied in our university. It is mainly reflected in the quality and success of the urban planning developed in Catalan cities, but also in Spain and the rest of the world. It is involved in project activities in business models, value proposition, and decision support tool development. The role of the UPC-BarcelonaTech and the Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning (DUOT) in the project will be to share their expertise in both public space design and urban planning at local level.

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is an interdisciplinary research and education institution synthesizing such topics as architecture, urbanism, innovation, participatory design, robotics, remote sensing, information and communications technologies, ecology and digital fabrication. IAAC hosts the Fab Lab Barcelona, the leading node of the worldwide Fab Lab Network. IAAC will contribute to this project expertise in local digital fabrication as well as the expertise in hosting global collaborative and competitive design events it has gained through establishing many highly successful competitions including the Advanced Architecture Contest currently in its 8th edition with jurors and participants from every continent. Moreover, IAAC will contribute decades of experience in the design, planning and implementation of urban pedestrian spaces including direction of such initiatives as Barcelona’s Sustainable Mobility Plan which featured the tactical urbanism demonstration of the Superilla Pilot.

Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering
ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering is a network of students, alumni, researchers, industry, organizations and cultural design stakeholders (e.g., Cumulus, ELIA, Desis Network). Operating since 1961 and affiliated with UPF since 1995, it trains over 2.000 students per year and boasts 11.000 m2 of facilities, including 5 experimentation labs. Its expertise is articulated around a social, human and cultural perspective of design and engineering. ELISAVA Research, a transdisciplinary research group, investigates, ideates, prototypes and communicates current and future design, societal and business challenges. It generates and transfers knowledge through research projects, IPs and patents, and it produces an international research journal–Temes de Disseny. ELISAVA will contribute to this project expertise in temporary space design as well as in collaborative and co-creation platforms it has gained through international, European and national initiatives such as International Conference No Boundaries Design, Design Does (DHub BCN), Fuel for Design (Erasmus+) and Decoding European Creative Processes (Creative Europe). ELISAVA will contribute its expertise in social-oriented design and the know-how gained through initiatives clearly aligned with the project, such as ongoing Civic Placemaking, Design for City Making and Superilles+.

City of Milan
The Municipality of Milan is an Italian local public authority responsible for delivering a large number of services across the city (education, social services, economic development, mobility). Second largest city in Italy (1.400.000 inhabitants in its Municipality, 180 sqKm), Milan is also the administrative and business centre in the largest Italian metropolitan area, with a population of about 5.000.000 people, and the main city of Lombardy, Italian most populated and wealthy region. Milan Municipality is the local government of the core city. The Municipality of Milan is member of Eurocities network, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Urban Development Network (sustainable urban development strategies) and the Global Resilient Cities Network. It is also involved in environmental policies and has signed two important agreements: the Covenant of Mayors and the Local Governments Climate Protection Agreement. The Department for Mobility, Transport and Environment works actively with other departments in order to reach urban sustainability. In the past years it has been working at the development of Congestion Charge Area C, improvement and promotion of bike mobility, conversion of public transport fleet toward green vehicles, implementation of energy efficiency practices and policies, renewable energy conversion in private and public buildings. Recently, in response to the Covid-19 emergency, within the Milano 2020 Adaptation Strategy, it has developed “Open streets“, a set of strategies, actions and tools for cycling and walking, ensuring distancing measures within the urban travel and towards a sustainable mobility.

AMAT, i.e. Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio (Milan’s Agency for Mobility Environment and Territory), is an in-house company, totally owned by the City of Milan, committed to providing strategic planning and technical studies for urban mobility, environment quality and land use management. Due to its multidisciplinary competence, AMAT supports the City of Milan in developing projects and services with an approach that integrates mobility and energy issues with the environmental themes by advanced technologies and solutions. AMAT provides technical expertise and knowledge on mobility Planning, mobility Implementation, energy efficiency, CO2 mitigation and adaptation, waste prevention and management, noise, water resources, urban planning and information systems and management. Besides other services, AMAT also has considerable experience in developing and managing several R&D projects in several European Programmes as H2020, LIFE+, INTERREG in the field of sustainable mobility, electro-mobility, transport and logistics, energy saving, energy efficiency.